6 - The 5 Biggest Joy Blockers


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I'm on a mission to reframe how we think about joy.

Your joy is your life force. It’s a powerful energy generator and where so much of your soul essence lives. We can’t live in the fullest expression of ourselves if we’re constantly blocking our joy in one way or another.

When we talk about joy and building habits and rituals that nurture your joy, let’s be clear that there’s nothing we can do that will transform our lives into sunshine and rainbows all day, every day. That’s just not realistic and not at all what I stand for.

Some days are just plain hard, and some seasons in life are challenging. And naturally, in those times, joy is harder to access.

Today I’m sharing how joy blockers and suckers might stop you from creating joy in your life. I’ll walk you through the top five joy blockers I've seen in my coaching practice over the last ten years and how you can start to work through them and open up your joy channels.

Now, let's pull joy in together!


The goodness that comes from making joy a centerpiece of your life

Joy can be more challenging to access in some seasons, and that’s okay

Understanding how joy blockers and joy suckers show up in your life

What to do if you find yourself stuck in a cycle with joy suckers

Joy Blocker #1: Unaddressed or lingering health issues

  • Our bodies are always talking to us

  • How listening to my body changed the whole course of my life

  • The first step in healing is befriending your body

Joy Blocker #2: Unaddressed or lingering relationship issues

  • Taking an inventory of the people you spend the most time with

  • Questions to ask yourself about your relationships

Joy Blocker #3: You don’t know what brings you joy

  • Exploring what lights you up

Joy Blocker #4: Unconscious beliefs and expectations keeping you stuck

  • Why many of us get stuck in an endless waiting loop for joy

  • Creating healthy boundaries with yourself

Joy Blocker #5: Joy feels too vulnerable

  • Working with your inner child will be important


Joy Class | Episode 1: The Secret To Joy: How To Create A Life You Love And Find Small Joys Every Day

Joy Class | Episode 4: Are Your Hormones Blocking Your Joy With Nicole Jardim

The book I reference “Illness as the Language of the Soul” was written by Rüdiger Dahlke. I read this book in German and translated the title on the podcast. The original title is “Krankheit als Sprache der Seele.” Not all of Dahlke’s books have been translated to the English Language, but his book “The Healing Power of Illness: Understanding What Your Symptoms Are Telling You” seems the closest to the version that I read 13 years ago.

Ready to cultivate more joy in your life?

Want to learn more about working together 1:1? Send me an email at caroline@carolinezwickson.com

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