15 - You Are Enough: A Pep-Talk to Boost Your Confidence


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You can create the life that you want.

Believing in your enoughness is fundamental if we are to thrive in the long run. It makes us more resilient and allows us to tap into our power and potential fully. On the flip side, people with a strong inner voice telling them they're not enough usually don't have a lot of space for joy and pleasure.

Today I’m doing things a little differently. This episode is a pep talk for you, telling you you are enough. I’ll share some of my experiences and journey with my enoughness and two stories from previous clients that illustrate the depth and width of this conversation of enoughness.

I hope you enjoy this episode and leave with the information and motivation to look at yourself and see your own enoughness, beauty, and resilience.

Let's pull joy in together!


The intense, painful, and profoundly healing experience of exploring your past and allowing yourself to truly feel

Why I spent so long living a life centered around credentials and admiration

The problem with always looking at ourselves through the eyes of an external observer

Far-reaching effects of our fear of not being enough

Client story: “I feel that no matter what I try, I’m just not good enough”

Client story: What she perceived as her parent's expectations of her became the standard of enoughness that she was up against

The fear of not being good enough bleeds into many areas of our lives

Symptoms of an inner belief or fear of not-enoughness

The decision I’m inviting you to make for yourself


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