14 - Intuitive Eating As The Way-Maker For More Joy with Jamie Mendell


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“I’m afraid there's something inside of me that will never stop eating ice cream if I let it.”

So many of us carry around a fear that our minds and our bodies are on different teams. That if we don’t hold the reins of our diet tightly and avoid all temptation, we’ll spin out of control.

Fortunately, it’s not true. Your body wants to feel good, agile, flexible, energized, and healthy. It all comes down to reconnecting with your body and your intuition.

Today I’m joined by Jamie Mendell to talk about intuitive eating and finding joy through food. It was so important to me to bring this conversation to the podcast because I know many people struggle with emotional eating and feel out of control around food, and it’s wrapped up in a lot of self-criticism and pain.

In this conversation, Jamie and I talk about how intuitive eating is the gateway to living an intuitive life, how it helps to strengthen your relationship with yourself, and why being restrictive with food prevents you from feeling whole and in harmony with yourself. I loved this interview and know you’ll gain so much value from it.

Let's pull joy in together!


How Jamie’s sources of joy have shifted from childhood to adulthood

Jamie’s struggle with emotional eating and her introduction to intuitive eating

What intuitive eating means

How Jamie transformed her relationship with food and found joy in healing

Intuitive eating as a gateway to intuitive living

Common fears that stop us from trusting our intuition

Why it’s important not to restrict the types of food you allow into your house

Surprising food lessons from having kids

How intuitive eating can support your healthy weight loss journey

The negative impact of eating from a place of fear

Why we need to do the emotional work too

Building the skill of sitting with your feelings through a personal winter

Tuning into your intuition when life is stressful

How you can get started with intuitive eating


Jamie Mendell is a Life Alchemist who helps women transcend the inner blocks that keep them from stepping into that juicy next-level version of themselves — and life — they’ve always longed for. Through her mindset and lifestyle-driven coaching method, she shows her clients how to elevate the way they see and treat themselves so that they can embody who they need to be to design their dream life in the present.


Jamie Mendell’s Website | JamieMendell.com

Jamie Mendell on Instagram @JamieAMendell

Jamie Mendell’s 21-Day Intuitive Eating Challenge


Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch’s Book | Intuitive Eating

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