24 - Hormonal Changes & Weight Loss in Your 40s with Erin Parekh


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From a young age, society tells women how our bodies should look and judges us when we don’t match up with the unrealistic standards we’re fed. From idealized body shapes to how quickly we’re expected to lose baby weight, the whole topic of women’s weight can be triggering.

One of the most challenging times to manage this is around perimenopause when many women experience weight gain unlike anything they have before. They’re eating the same way and moving the same amount, but the weight gets added, and it's tough to lose.

The good news is that there’s so much we can do to support and nourish ourselves to feel healthy and vibrant during this change. Today, I’m joined by Erin Parekh, a Clinical and Functional Nutritionist, and Women’s Health Specialist, to talk about how we can empower ourselves as women in our late 30s and 40s when it comes to hormonal changes and weight loss.

In this conversation, Erin and I talk about the hormonal changes women experience in their 40s, how these changes impact our weight, practical tips for managing stress levels, how you can start prioritizing sleep, what it looks like to maintain a balanced diet, and more.

Let's pull joy in together!


Erin Parekh is a Clinical and Functional Nutritionist and Women’s Health Specialist who is devoted to helping her clients uncover the root cause of their biggest health concerns.

From fertility issues, postpartum recovery, and navigating peri-menopause to gut health and metabolic dysfunction, she brings a wealth of knowledge and science-backed techniques that restore balance to the body and put people on the path to sustainable health and wellbeing.

As a mama herself, she is also passionate about helping moms and their families - from babies and toddlers to teenagers - embrace nutrient-dense meals that will set everyone up for optimal health. She’s a master at strategizing in the kitchen and avoiding the “mealtime battle.”

She holds a Masters of Science in Clinical Human Nutrition from University of Bridgeport and is a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) candidate. Erin is also a Certified Holistic Health Coach and graduate from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and holds professional certifications from Nutritious Life Studio and the Academy of Culinary Nutrition, as well as a M.A. in Arts Administration from NYU and a B.A. in Art History from DePauw University.

Her expertise has been featured in New York Minute Mag, Palm Beach Illustrated, and Nutritious Life. Erin resides in Palm Beach County, FL with her husband and daughter. She consults with clients virtually all over the world.


Finding joy through food and cooking

Erin’s journey into nutrition and women’s health

How you can prepare your body in your 30s and 40s for the menopause transition

Hormonal changes starting in your mid-30s and the symptoms to look out for

How our periods can act as an insight into our overall health

Tracking and understanding your menstrual cycle

Why it’s essential to optimize your stress levels and sleeping habits

Rewiring our approach to nutrition and exercise as we age

How we can start to regulate our circadian rhythms and manage our cortisol response

The importance of adequate protein intake

Combining intuitive eating with science and knowledge

Meal timing and choosing healthier carb options

How your nutrition needs change over your menstrual cycle

Giving yourself grace on the journey of optimizing your health


Erin Parekh’s Website | ErinParekh.com

Erin Parekh on Instagram @ErinParekh_

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