25 - Using Feng Shui to Improve Our Lives with Alejandra Brady


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“Enough of the world is out there fighting you. You have to have a haven, you can't come into a space that is fighting you as well.” - Alejandra Brady

I’ve always believed that the physical spaces we live in influence our inner spaces: how we feel in our lives, and what we think we’re capable of. Beyond that, our spaces have healing power and can influence our energy in immeasurable ways.

This belief led me to explore more deeply and today I’m joined by feng shui expert, Alejandra Brady, to talk about how we can create intentional and supportive spaces in our homes so we can thrive in our lives.

In this conversation, Alejandra and I discuss the importance of intention in feng shui, how our homes can support our wellbeing, Alejandra’s journey to feng shui, the concept of the Bagua Map and how it’s used to analyze different areas of a home, Alejandra’s insights on the placement of plants and the use of color, and more.

Let's pull joy in together!



Alejandra Brady is a Feng Shui Expert, an Interior and Biophilic Designer, and the author of "I Just Can't Make This Sh!t Up: Overcoming Fear and Accepting My Spiritual Gifts." After 15 years designing the interiors of beautiful homes and offices, Alejandra found herself missing something. She took a break from work and focused on her most important client – Herself. She realized that her actual interior needed a reboot and that is when she discovered Feng Shui and began studying and incorporating it into her work as an interior designer to help people create spaces that would actually improve their lives. Alejandra holds a Certification in the BTB style of Feng Shui and Bau-Biology under Karen Rauch Carter and the Academy of Exquisite Living. She is a Graduate of the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, she is a IFSG Certified Crystal Healer as well as a Professional Member of the International Feng Shui Guild (IFSG) and furthermore, holds a Certification in Biophilic Design from the Luminous Spaces Feng Shui School.


The things that brought Alejandra joy as a child

Alejandra’s love for traveling and the inspiration it brings her

Understanding that energy is always working for you

How Alejandra discovered feng shui and why she decided to do it as a career

Finding purpose through challenges

The importance of creating a safe space for yourself

Key elements in feng shui

Why Alejandra uses the Bagua Map

Being intentional about bringing the right energy into your home

Creating a routine for tidying up and maintaining order

Outer chaos creates inner chaos

Applying the Bagua Map in understanding how different areas of a house connect to various aspects of life and your body

How intention impacts the energy in your home

What you need to know about plants and colors in the home


Alejandra Brady’s Website | AlejandraBrady.com

Alejandra Brady on Instagram @AlejandraGBradyLifestyled

Alejandra Brady on LinkedIn

Alejandra Brady on Facebook

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