Crossroads + Desiring Change

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads? A point in your life where you know something needs to change, but you cannot quite see the path forward? And as a result, you feel stuck, perhaps paralyzed, and doubtful.


Over the last 12 years, I have seen women at many crossroads and have found that there are, generally speaking, two kinds:


The first kind of crossroad is where a woman hits a point in her life where she desires something new, something fresh, something different. Perhaps she has been in one career for a while and she is longing to explore and develop a new side of herself. Her issue is that she either doesn't quite know what she wants next or, if she does know, she is afraid to trust this intuitive pull and the idea of starting over feels scary.

The question is: How can I honor and live in expression of the evolving versions of me?


The second kind of crossroad is where a woman has known for a long time that a situation isn't working, but facing that reality and it's consequences felt so intimidating that she chose to ignore her inner voice and stuff down her feelings in the hopes that things would just get better. By the time these women are ready to face the crossroad, they are often exhausted and their self-image has suffered. Oftentimes these are women who are harmony-seekers and want to please those around them.


The question is: Who am I really and how can I grow the courage to be who I am more fully?


Crossroads are often anxiety-provoking for people, but they are also always opportunities!


The truth is that we all evolve, change, and grow… and the shape and texture of our life –the way we express ourselves, the way we show up and add value to the world– has to evolve, change, and grow with us.


We are not stagnant beings. We are alive!


Now, I have a question for you:


  • Are you at a crossroads?

  • Are you stuck somewhere in your life?

  • Where would you like to make a change but don't know how?


With love, 



PS: My new program THE PATH is open and accepting applications.

THE PATH is a 12-week private coaching experience where we bring you home to your most authentic self and on the path that is meant for you. Get all the details here.

Caroline Zwickson