From “randomly doing stuff" to a clear, aligned roadmap ✨

What you think is important in this moment, may be irrelevant for where you actually want to be.


Let me explain:


We live in a society that is full of “calls to action” that sell us into over-doing, over-buying, over-eating, over-participating.


Let's be real: it's noisy out there and we are bombarded with messaging that wants us to believe that unless we participate, own and do all the things, we will fall behind, miss out, become unhealthy, age faster, aren't good enough parents… you get the picture.


Phew… it's exhausting, isn't it?


Lately, I've had a series of conversations with clients about this very topic and so I know how tired, overwhelming and plain unsatisfied many of you are from JUST RANDOMLY DOING STUFF without having a clear plan.


Finding your path and your inner calm in all that noise can be really tricky.


It's hard to differentiate between what you actually need, which health-trends will actually enhance your well-being, which goals are worth pursuing… and what's just flat-out BS keeping you stuck in a stress-spiral.


Knowing yourself and setting appropriate boundaries that honor…


your space,

your energy, and

your innate personality 


… is anything but easy when the crowd preaches “MORE IS BETTER.”


And yet…


⟶ knowing yourself and

⟶ understanding clearly where you want to be


…are two of the most important skills to hone if you want to keep your sanity and remain balanced, content and satisfied in your life.


That's why one of the first exercises I do with my clients is to create a crystal clear understanding about where they want to be in 5 years from now AND where they want to be in 1 year from now across four different categories: Work, Love, Health, and Play.


Only then, do we talk about what that means for you in the present and where you need to take action in this moment.


(*Note: Of course, 5-year plans can change… in fact, they should change at least a little as you grow and learn about yourself. That's why we treat these plans as “living documents” that can evolve with you!)


Our goal, however, is to create a roadmap so that you can go from randomly doing stuff (and spreading your energy thin) to taking deliberate and aligned action that will lead to a fulfilling result –to living in this beautiful, joyful, confident flow that leaves you energized and magnetic. 


The best part?


Being rooted in your own clear roadmap like that allows you to block out the noise, to mute the shoulds, to stop all the overwhelm and instead to follow your own intuition and your own goals step-by-step in a non-stressed out way.


In the last 10+ years of coaching, I have seen over and over that this system, this approach really works.


It's what I have used with hundreds of clients and what I use in my own life. 


If you are interested in getting really clear on what you want, what you desire, how you want your life to look and feel AND be guided through a process that helps you to create a clear roadmap that will get you there, I'd love to talk.


I'm currently accepting three new clients into my 1-on-1 mentorship program who are ready to get really clear with themselves, gain some fresh perspectives, and turn their life into a deeply fulfilling journey.


You can learn all about working with me and apply for a free 20-minute consultation here.


Coaching –being seen, guided, encouraged and celebrated by someone who has your back 100% – has the power to shift your life in beautiful and transformative ways. 


I'd love to be that person for you 💗


With love, 


Caroline Zwickson