Your 5-Step Roadmap To Unlocking MORE Joy

In my last few posts, I explained WHY joy is a fundamental component for a successful and fulfilled life. Today’s note is about HOW to build more joy.

In order to do this, I created a 5-step framework which is exactly what I will take you through in my Joyful – On Purpose course that is starting in the week of October 10th! (Applications close on Thursday, 10/6)

To quickly recap:

I’m here to remind you that while most people think of joy as the reward at the end, I have found that actively building joy into your current life is your most powerful tool in creating an amazing, magnetic, and energized life. 

In my years as a coach and mentor to hundreds of people, I have seen first hand that when joy is absent, people burn out, relationships become brittle, health and well-being suffers.

Basically, cultivating joy (no matter what your life currently looks like) is your ticket to creating an amazing life!

Now, you might say “I believe you, Caroline, but joy feels lofty and kind of intangible. Where do I even start?”

And to that I say “Yup, I agree! I like having a system and a roadmap, too.”

That is why I created a 5-step framework that is specifically designed to help you make joy a more tangible asset in your life.

In Joyful–On Purpose we will discuss these 5 steps in depth in a small group setting (online), where I will personally guide you and help you see your blind spots so that you can unblock your joy and thrive in a completely new and beautiful way.

Here is what the first 5 weeks inside of Joyful–On Purpose will look like:

Week 1: WHY do YOU want more joy?

Unless you have a really clear + personal reason for why you are doing something, you won’t stick to it.

Think about these questions: Why do you want more joy? How would your life be different if you had daily moments of joy? Would your energy shift? Your relationship with yourself and others improve? Would you simply have more fun and feel less anxious? What would happen to your nervous system and your health in general? How would your confidence level change at work?

Week 2: Joy in your family of origin.

Understanding the role joy has played in your family of origin is important because this is the story of joy that you have likely inherited as a default setting. Plus, you have to understand the story of joy that you came from in order to be clear on how you want to shape the story of joy for the next generation.

Think about these questions: What did joy look like in your parents? Your family of origin? Your community and culture? Is/was there space to tap into real joy regularly? Was it role-modeled? Celebrated? Suppressed? Judged? Reserved as a post achievement activity only?

Week 3: Joy blockers & boundaries.

We can invite more joy in, but unless we understand what’s blocking it and where we need to set boundaries, any joy we call in won’t be able to stay.

Think about these questions: What’s blocking your joy (thoughts, perspectives, people, situations)? Where do you need to create boundaries so you can protect you joy?

Week 4: Shifting your mindset to see the joy that’s already there (inner joys).

When I think about joy there is an inner and an outer component to it. In week 4 we will focus on identifying your quiet joys, the ones that are constantly available to you if you shift your mind and look more closely.

Think about these questions: What’s already beautiful around me? Where can I see and spread kindness? How can I adorn and prepare myself for the day so I feel great in my own skin? What would it really take to be more present in my life?

Week 5: Cultivating more joy through your actions (outer joys).

When I started to think about how I want to change things around through my own actions and planning to create more joy, I realized that one of my greatest joy fuelers is 1-on-1 time with people I love, so I began making a concerted efforts to put 1-on-1 time (with each of my kids, my husband, my friends) into my calendar.

Think about these questions: What do you long for? When do you feel your best? What do you wish you had more of simply because it would make you happy? What actions do you need to take to make these joy moments a consistent occurrence, simply a part of your schedule?

(Week 6: Processing the last 5 weeks, making final adjustments and laser coaching.)

What else will you get inside of Joyful–On Purpose?

In addition to meeting in a group weekly for 6 weeks, you will also get 60 minutes of private coaching with me to help you dive deep and really get to the core of you and your joy (you can split this up in whatever time segments you like).

If going through these 5 steps on your own is all you need, that is AMAZING and I am genuinely so happy for you. Hit reply and let me know what you discovered about yourself :)

But, if you are someone who desires more support, who would like to process her insights with me and a small group of other joy-desiring souls, who wants to be witnessed and held accountable to actually follow through on her insights, then I would love to invite you to join me in Joyful–On Purpose.

The deadline for applications is Thursday, October 6th!



PS: By submitting an application you are not committing to anything, it just lets me know that you are curious and I will reach out with more info so we can make sure that you and JOP are a good fit :) Apply here.

Caroline Zwickson