Trailer: The WHY behind Joy Class


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In this 6.5 minute trailer I share with you WHY I created Joy Class and why the topic of joy feels so important + personal to me.


When we don’t prioritize the things, moments, experiences, and interactions that bring us joy, life doesn’t work.

If you don’t take the time to connect with yourself and find out what brings you joy in this season of your life, you miss the important opportunity to build a strong, healthy foundation that sets the stage for you and everyone around you to thrive.

My name is Caroline Zwickson, and I'm an integrative coach and joy mentor with a background in Counseling Psychology. I focus on helping people understand, nurture, and unlock their joy because I have found that when your joy is alive, you almost can't help but create a beautiful, magnetic, and energized life that you can actually sustain in the long run.

To help you adopt a simple joy practice, I created Easy Joy, a 28-day challenge to help you make joy an intuitive, no-fuss focus in your life (you can check it out at And lastly, I am also a wife and a mom to 3 sweet and wild kids (2 boys and a girl), a lover of nature and food, and an avid painter.

So yes, my life is pretty full.

And you can trust me when I say that I know firsthand how easy it is for life to get stressful, how quickly our busy-ness can take over, how seamlessly our self-care can slip on the backburner, and how tempting it is to define your worth with an ambitious to-do list.

I believe that the greatest skill one can practice in life (and I really want to emphasize that this is a practice!) is to take one’s ambitions, dreams, hopes, and desires seriously and pursue them with zest and passion AND, AT THE SAME TIME, maintain the ability to see things with a dose of humor, to not take yourself too seriously, to let things roll off your back and maintain your lightness throughout your zig-zag journey.

JOY CLASS is a space where I host insightful conversations with top experts, brilliant thinkers, deep healers, and inspiring creatives to better understand what it takes to create a successful, joy-filled life that doesn't come at the sacrifice of your health, your relationships, or your inner peace.

Let’s Pull Joy In Together.

Ready to cultivate more joy in your life?

Join Easy Joy, my 28-day joy challenge (it’s easy + joyful;)).

Work with me 1:1.

Want my advice + thoughts on something specific from your life?

Submit your question here and I’ll answer it in a future episode!

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