20 - From Chaos To Calm: A Guide For Parents with Jenna Hermans


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“Calm is not something we're born knowing how to access. It's a muscle that needs to be flexed, grown, and nurtured.” - Jenna Hermans

Most of us didn’t grow up in a naturally calm, easy, and grounded setting. The world around us is very active and busy, and we’re constantly bombarded with messaging about hustling and productivity. Finding calm in chaos is a skill set we have to learn.

While the occasional moments of chaos can be pretty fun, I always want more calmness in my life. Constant chaos leads to overwhelm for me, and everyone around me suffers too.

I'm so excited about today’s interview with Jenna Hermans, the author of Chaos to Calm. She’s an expert on helping parents move away from chaos and into calmness so that we can all create intentional lives that allow each member of the family to thrive.

In this conversation, we talk about the connection between joy and calm, the challenges of parenting, the effects of isolation on our mental health, what it takes for us to change our lives, how you can start your journey from chaos to calm, and more.

Let's pull joy in together!


Jenna Hermans is living proof that you can create a life of calm within chaos and overwhelm. She uses her bachelor’s degree in psychology, master’s degree in organizational management, and over fifteen years of human resources experience to build strong teams, both at work and at home. Jenna is the co-founder of Be Courageous, busy mom of 4, coach and author. As seen in Forbes, The Sun, Entertainment Tonight, Yahoo, and more, Jenna takes an intentional and inclusive approach to developing life hacks that help others go from 'Chaos to Calm,' which doubles as the title of the momtrepreneur's newest book that launched on May 2, 2023.


How art brought joy and calm into Jenna’s life as a child

The Five Pillars of Calm

Challenges of parenting when there’s no space just to be yourself

How increasing isolation has negatively impacted our collective mental health

Reflecting on the things that brought us joy during the pandemic and how we can keep those with us for the long-term

Jenna’s inspiration for writing “Chaos to Calm”

Why we sometimes need to reach our breaking point to make essential changes in our lives

Figuring out where to start on your journey to calm

Getting past the guilt for prioritizing yourself

Being intentional about what we role model for our kids

How you can tap into Jenna’s resources


Book | Chaos to Calm: Five Ways Busy Parents Can Break Free from Overwhelm

Website | JennaHermans.com

Instagram @JennaZHermans

LinkedIn | Jenna Hermans

Facebook | @ChaosToCalmBook

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