Letting the world end at your front door

I wanted to send you a quick note today because I am noticing how stressed and scattered so many people are feeling. 


Particularly the empaths amongst you are feeling drained by the constant demands of life… the combination of world events, news, social media, massive holiday to-do lists, end of year work schedules, kids school activities is A LOT.


I see you!


So here is my message for you today:




I don't mean that you should stop caring about anything outside of your family and your own home, but I am HIGHLY recommending that you allow yourself regular periods of time where you ONLY care about and focus on what is right in front of you.


These days, it seems, like the front door into our minds is always open.


This is detrimental to your health. You are not designed to be on 24/7. You are not made to be plugged in, available to the world, and buzzing with news or texts every second of your waking hours.


Of course, this is deeply exhausting and depleting.


You –we all!– need to shut our mental front doors from time to time (on a regular basis!) so we can have peace of mind, a calm inner world, and nervous systems that can actually recover well.


This is not selfish. It's self-sustaining.


So, what would letting the world end at your front door from time to time look like for you? What do you need to do to create greater peace of mind? How can you calm and protect your inner calmness?




Caroline Zwickson